Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Relationship with Parents

1. The relation-ship with ones mother shall depend on the placement of the fourth lord from lagna lord as well as from the Moon (as Moon is the significator for the mother). Similarly the relationship with one’s father shall depend on the placement of the 9th lord from the Lagna lord as well as from the Sun (since Sun is the significator for the father). If they are placed in kendra, trine to each other, then there is amicable relationships. This is true if they are placed in 3/11 from each other. If they are placed at other positions, then there would be inimical relationship with the parents.

2. The Arudha Lagna (AL) shows the image of the native in this world and the planets placed in good positions from the Arudha Lagna, tend to support the native in this life, in different aspects of the native’s existence, such as financial and material support. Planets placed in the 7th or 12th from the AL oppose the AL or act as secret enemies respectively. Thus the relationship of the parents with respect to the support to the native in this world can be seen from the placement of the significator of mother (i.e., Moon) and father (i.e., Sun) from the AL. If the Moon or Sun is in the 7th or 12th from Arudha Lagna, there is friction/losses due to ones mother or father and hence, relationship will not be smooth. Since, Upapada Lagna shows one’s spouse, if the Moon or Sun is so placed from Upapada, the friction/losses are due to mother -in-law or father-in-law.

3. The Arudha pada of the fourth house is called Matr Arudha (A4) and its placement in quadrants/ trines from Arudha lagna indicates the blessings of properties, home, mother etc. Similarly the arudha of the ninth house is called the pitr arudha (A9) and its placement in the Kendra to the AL indicate blessings of elders, father, guru, good fortune etc.

4. If the Matr arudha is in the 3rd/11th house from Arudha Lagna there is a friendly relationship with the mother. Similarly Pitr arudha (A9) in the 3rd/ 11th from the Arudha Lagna (AL) shows amicable relationships with the father. If the matr arudha or pitr arudha is in the 6th house form AL enmity with mother/ father results.

5. If the matr or pitr arudhas are placed in the 8th house from AL, the mother/ father belongs to a poor family and if the 12th house, losses are indicated. Similar things can be said, if the planets placed in the arudhas are debilitated/ badly placed or if no planets are placed therein, the lord of the arudhas are badly placed.

6. If the chara matr karak (MK) is placed in a dusthana from the matr arudha, mother may have poor health. Similar condition to father is indicated if the chara pitr karka (PiK) is placed in the dusthana from the Arudha Lagna.

7. If there is influence of Venus on the A4, which also shows the influences at home, the maternal relations would strongly influence the native, while if influenced by Jupiter, then the influence of the paternal relations would be very strong in the person’s life.

8. Along with it, the Jyotish classics say that if Sun and Saturn are placed in opposition in any house, the person would have friction with the father. This is because, mythology teaches us that Saturn is the Son of the Sun, but due to some incidences, never had amicable relationship with the father. Whichever houses this happens, those houses suffer due to this opposition.

Calculation of Arudha:
1. The arudha lagna is calculated by counting from the lord of the Lagna, as many houses, as the Lagna lord has gained from the Lagna. There is one rider to the condition, which is, if the Arudha falls in the Lagna or the 7th from it, then count 10 houses from that sign. This is because, arudha shows the maya and it cannot be same with the satya, which is shown by the Lagna or the seventh house.

2. The matr (A4) and pitr (A9) arudhas can be arrived at by substituting the Lagna with fourth and ninth house.

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