Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Guidelines to Dasa Analysis

1. A planet shall give the results of the house it owns. For example, if a planet if fifth lord, then it will give progeny or power in its dasa.

2. A planet gives results (either good or bad) as per the functional significations as per the following guidelines: 

a. Whichever house the planet is placed
b. Whichever house the planet aspects
c. Whichever house lord it is placed with
d. Whichever house lord it aspects

During the dasa of a planet, the natural significance (naisargika karakatva) gains or suffer based on whether the placement of the planet is auspicious or inauspicious.
The results will be auspicious if 

i. the planet is placed in Exaltation, Mulatrikona, Own house, or friends house
ii. placed with benefics/ friends
iii. aspected by benefics
iv. hemmed between benefics

The results will be inauspicious if 

i. the planet is placed in debilitation, enemy sign
ii. placed with malefics
iii. aspected by malefics
iv. hemmed between malefics

3. A planet is capable of giving results as per its functional or natural significations either in the dasa or antardasa or smaller periods. The functional significations are based on the lordship, placement and yogas this planet would have in the horoscope. The natural signification is based on what they signify naturally such as Venus signify marriage and relationship, Jupiter signify progeny etc.

4. Normally a planet would not confer the result (either auspicious or inauspicious) in its own antardasa. They do so in the antardasa of the planet associated with it. By association following things are meant. 

a. Conjunction
b. Planet aspecting the dasa lord
c. Planet having subha-argala on the dasa lord
d. Planet exchanges position (either rasi, nakshatra or navamsa) with the dasa lord
e. Any planets who share the same dharma as of the dasa lord. The following planets share the same dharma as of the dasa lord. 
i. All saumya grahas (Jupiter, Venus, well associated Mercury and strong Moon (in paksha bala) have the same dharma
ii. All papa grahas (Saturn, Mars, Sun, badly associated Mercury and weak Moon)have the same dharma
iii. Yogakaraka- The other planet involved in the yoga, leaving the yogakaraka under consideration

Note: In all the cases, if the yoga is auspicious, then the auspicious results of the dasa lord is felt and vice-versa

Thus the mahadasa lord gives its results only in the antardasa which is suitable.

5. The dasa of the yogakaraka shall have following results in different antardasas: 

a. Antardasa of a related auspicious planet (yogakaraka or lord of trines), the results will be auspicious
b. Antardasa of related yogakaraka, the results will be very auspicious
c. Antardasa of related functional malefic planet (lord of the trisadayas and the eighth), the effect of the rajayoga would be extremely feeble
d. Antardasa of a related marakesh, only minor results would be present
e. Antardasa of a unrelated auspicious planet, the results would be moderately auspicious
f. Antardasa of unrelated functional malefic planet or marakesh, the results would be extremely inauspicious- however, some good results of the auspicious dasa lord shall also be felt

6. During the antardasa of a functional malefic (planets suffering with kendradhipatya dosa or the lords of the trisadaya or the eighth lord) planet, following results are felt: 

a. The antardasa of a unrelated functional benefic/ yogakaraka, the results of would be inauspicious
b. The antardasa of a related functional benefic, the results would be inauspicious- lesser of the inauspicious dasa lord and more of the auspicious antardasa lord
c. The antardasa of the neutral planet shall give inauspicious results
d. The antardasa of related or unrelated functional malefic would be terrible- more so in the case of related planet
e. The antardasa of functional benefic in dasa of a marakesh, the person would not die, however the antardasa of an unrelated functional malefic can cause death.
f. In the dasa of Kendra lord or Trikona lord, the results of different antardasa would be:
g. If Kendra and Trikona lord are associated, the in the dasa of the Kendra lord, Trikona lord’s antardasa would be auspicious and vice- versa
h. If Kendra and the Trikona lords are not related, then in the dasa of Papa Kendra lord, the antar of Subha Trikona lord would be little auspicious, whereas the antar of papa Trikona lord would be inauspicious.

7. In addition, during the dasa of a subha Kendra lord, the antar of a papa Trikona lord would be little auspicious and the antar of a subha Trikona lord, the results would be predominantly auspicious.

8. In the dasa of Papa Trikona lord, the antar of subha Kendra lord would be auspicious and antar of papa Kendra lord would be little auspicious (provided the Trikona lord is not eighth lord simultaneously)

9. In the dasa of Subha Trikona lord, the antar of subha Kendra lord would be auspicious and the antar of the papa Kendra lord can be little auspicious, if it is associated with the Trikona lord. If there is no association between them, then the antar would be predominantly inauspicious.

10. The results of Antardasa in Dasas of the Nodes: 
a. If the nodes are placed in Trikona, then the antar of the Kendra lords confer rajayoga. This is also true during the dasa of Kendra lord and antardasa of the nodes so placed in Trikona
b. Similarly if the nodes are placed in Kendra, the antar of the Trikona lords confer rajayoga. This is also true during the dasa of Trikona lord and antardasa of the nodes so placed in Kendra
c. If the nodes are placed in auspicious houses, then their antardasas in the dasa of a yogakakara or during the antardasa of a yogakaraka in their (nodes) dasa, the results are extremely auspicious
d. If the nodes are associated with the 8th / 12th house/ lords, then their dasa/ antardasa would be inauspicious

11. According to Phaladeepika, the dasa of a planet becomes inauspicious, if they fall in a particular sequence as mentioned below:
a. Saturn’s dasa happens to be 4th dasa
b. Mars’s dasa happens to be 5th dasa
c. Jupiter’s dasa happens to be 6th dasa

12. Dasa of planets placed in the Rasi Sandhi/ Gandanta is terrible to the house lorded by the planet and the natural significations of the planet. The trouble would pass by in a malefic antar and would be lesser during the benefic antar.

13. The dasa of sixth, eighth or twelfth is troublesome. The trouble is lesser if the lord is well placed in exaltation, mulatrikona, own sign or friend’s sign and would be more if badly placed in its debilitation sign or enemy’s sign.

14. During the dasa of a planet, the native is endowed with the nature and complexion of the dasa lord. The fiery planets would give brilliance, the watery planet would make one emotional and compassionate, the earthy planets make one hard working and the air planet would make the person thoughtful and philosophical. Along with this, the native would partake the guna of the dasa lord. Thus during the Jupiter, Sun and Moon’s dasa the native becomes sattvik, during the dasa of Venus and Mercury, the native becomes Rajasik and during the dasa of Mars and Saturn, the native becomes tamasik. More effect of the guna of planets on the native can be learnt from BPHS and Saravali.

15. The result of a planet going towards its exaltation increases as the dasa progresses and similarly, the dasa of a planet diminishes with progress of the dasa, if the dasa lord is going towards its debilitation (one sign behind the sign of debilitation)

16. Malefics give their results of its placement in a rasi during the first third part, the results of its placement in a bhava in the middle third and the results of its aspect in the last third of the dasa. Similarly Benefics give their results of their bhava in the beginning third, the result of rasi in the middle third and the aspects in the last third of the dasa.

17. When the dasa and the antar-dasa lords are placed in the 6th/ 8th or 12th from each other, these shows enmity, physical troubles, troubles from unknown sources etc. If the antar lord is a friend to the dasa lord or the Lagna lord and well placed in the sign, then the trouble would be lessened. On the contrary, if the dasa- antar lords are badly placed and the antar lord is an enemy to the dasa lord and/ or the Lagna lord then the antar would be very troublesome.

18. During the dasa of a planet, the house where the antar lord is placed the results of that house would be specifically felt. For example, if someone is running the dasa- antar of Sun- Moon; and Moon is placed in the 5th house from the dasa lord, them the 5th house effect would be specifically experienced. The good or bad results to be experienced related to that bhava would be based on whether or not the dasa and antar lords are well placed.

19. If the dasa lord is capable of give both good and bad results (such as a planet becoming an yogakaraka as well as maraca at the same time) by the virtue of its placement and yoga, then the good results would be felt during the antar of planets beneficially disposed and the negative results would be felt during to the antar of negatively disposed planets.

20. During the dasa of a planet, whichever house it transits from the Lagna, the result of that particular house would be specifically felt during such transit.

21. The results of the dasa are modified based on the transit of the dasa lords in different signs. If the dasa lord goes to an enemy’s sign or the sign of debilitation or the sign having lesser bindus (less than 4) in the dasa lord’s astakavarga, or the sign having lesser bindus in the sarva-astakavarga and in addition having transiting a malefic house (reckoned from Moon), then the effect would be extremely negative if the dasa is of an evil planet or if it is of an auspicious planet, then its auspiciousness would be greatly reduced.

22. On the contrary, if the dasa lord moves to its sign of exaltation/ mulatrikona/ own/ friend’s sign and / or in a sign with high astakavarga in the dasa lord’s astakavarga, then the effect of the dasa during that time would be extremely good, if the dasa is of an auspicious planet or lesser troublesome, if the dasa is an evil dasa.

23. The effect of the dasa planet can be seen in different areas of life from the Divisional charts related to that particular area of life. To understand this, one needs to study the divisional charts and then intelligently apply the dasa rules in those charts.

24. In the mahadasa of a planet, the antar would be good if:
a. The antar lord is a friend to the dasa lord
b. The antar lord is a friend to the lagna lord
c. The antar lord is well placed as reckoned from the dasa lord
d. The antar lord is related to the dasa lord
e. The antar lord is well placed as reckoned from the Moon.

25. The dasa of the 2nd and 7th lord from a bhava becomes the marakesh dasa for that bhava. If these planets are weak and afflicted then it would surely cause trouble to the significations of the bhava under consideration.

26. Similarly during the dasa of the 12th lord from a bhava, the native suffers losses related the bhava under consideration

27. During the dasa of the 8th lord from a bhava, the relations ruled by the concerned bhava suffers ill health, if the said planet is weakly placed and/ or afflicted.

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