The influence of planets on human affairs can be seen from two ways, from the natal chart and the chart of the moment. The natal chart is the snapshot of the heaven at the moment of our birth and it shows all the experiences one passes trough during the lifetime. To time different events, vedic-astrology (jyotish) uses planetary periods called the graha dasas or the sign periods called the rasi dasas. They can broadly (broad time frame) specify the events which are likely to happen on a particular time, however the difficulties of correct birth time, makes it difficult to delve down to a very minute level such as the prana dasa (6th level).
To overcome the difficulty and to doubly ascertain the results shown by the dasa, the transit is used. The transit cannot be used independantly as the influence of the transit is always within the ambit of the natal chart and hence it has to be judged in conjunction of dasa and astakavarga. This is why even though the transit is same for everyone having the same moon sign, the results can be grossly different. To understand the use of transit in timing events, one need to understand the natal horoscopy first and then amalgamate the effect of the transit with the dasa operative at different times.
While one checks out the transit, one need to note the following things:
1. In the natal horoscope, one needs to find out the auspicious and inauspicious planets. The auspicious planets are the yogakarakas, the trinal lords, planets involved in good yogas and planets who are well placed and bestowing good effects. During the malefic transit of such planets their maleficenece are lessened and during the benefic transit their beneficence are hightened. Similarly, if a planet is badly placed and is eager to give inauspicious effects in the natal chart, during malefic transit of such planets the maleficence is hightened and during the benefic transits, the beneficence is reduced.
2. During the dasa of a planet, the transit of the planet is of utmost importance. If the dasa is that of a auspicious planets, then the benefic transits would confer enormous benefic results and the malefic transits would confer lesser malefic results. The reverse is true for dasa of inauspicious planets.
3. The results of transits are greatly modified by the astakavarga. The transit of the planets can be seen in the sarvartakavarga (sum total of all astakavarga) as well as in the astakavarga of different planets. Planets transiting through sarvastakavarga signs having lesser dots (bindus) tend to give unfavourable results and while transiting through the signs having more bindu give favourable results. Thus malefic transits are heightened while the planet transit through signs having lesser bindus and vice-versa.
The astakavarga of different planets signify different area of our life. Like Sun- health and vitality; Moon- State of mind; Mercury- Speech, working intelligence etc; Jupiter- Happiness, wealth, progeny, wisdom etc. If a planet is transiting through the astakavarga of a planet where it has not contributed any bindu, then the planet will give inauspicious results in the area ruled by the planet, whose astakavarga is under consideration. Lets say Saturn is passing through the sign Cancer and in a horoscope, in Sun's astakavarga Saturn did not contributed a bindu (dot) in Cancer, then the person suffer lack of health and vitality during this period. This can also mean that the native's father is also affected, since the Sun is the natural significator for father. This way, the effect of transits can be found based on the astakavarga of different planets.
4. During Transits, the vedha houses also needs to be checked up. The vedha houses are given for each planet in their sections. If a planet is having a benefic transit and another planet is transiting the vedha position, then the benefic effect of the transiting planet is obstructed. Similarly, a malefic transit can be obstructed by the planets in vedha to to the transiting position. All planets can have vedha on others, excluding the combinaton of Father- Son pair namely Sun- Saturn and Moon- Mercury.
The SUN: Good in 3rd (9th), 6th (12th), 10th (4th), 11th (5th). Figures in the bracket represent the vedha position
1st: Fatigue, irritability, loss of wealth, sickness, obstacles in undertaking, unnecessary travel.
2nd: Loss of wealth, unhappiness, chance of being deceived, financial worries.
3rd: Advent of money, happiness, relief from disease, recognition from superiors, honours and courage, acquisition of good position, destruction of enemies.
4th: Diseases, constant attacks from opponents, no peace of mind, pressure form creditors, sorrow and misery, deprived from company of his wife and kinsman.
5th: Mental agitation, frequent illness, delusion, embarrassment and accident.
6th: Release from sorrows, worries and troubles, destruction of enemies, peace of mind.
7th: Wearisome travelling, colic and troubles, humiliation and illness.
8th: Quarrel from friends, diseases, hypertension, royal or official displeasure, excessive heat.
9th: Danger, humiliation, disappointment, separation from relatives, mental agony.
10th: Accomplish a mighty undertaking, success in endeavours.
11th: Honour, health, wealth, success, good position, cure of diseases.
12th: Sorrow, creation of a situation which causes loss of everything, quarrels and ill health (fever).
Good in 1st (5th), 3rd (9th), 6th (12th), 7th (2nd), 10th (4th), 11th (8th). 1st: Excellent food, bed & clothes.
2nd: Loss of respect and money, obstacles in the way of success.
3rd: Good clothes, pleasure from wife, good financial condition.
4th: Mental unrest.
5th: Suffer humilitiation.
6th: Enjoy wealth, health, comfort, redemption from enemies.
7th: Conveyances, good food and financial equilibrium.
8th: Misery, ill health, fears from unexpected sources.
9th: Mental agony, chest pain, fatigue.
10th: Success in every sphere.
11th: Prosperity, wealth, new friends
12th: Expenditure, suffer from accidents and injuries.
Good in the 3rd (12th), 6th (9th), 11th (5th)
1st: Mental grief, separation from one’s kith and kin, and diseases caused by the vitiation of blood and bile as well as those cause by excessive heat.
2nd: Fear, Indiscreet words or verbal warfare and quarrel, loss of wealth, royal displeasure, disgrace.
3rd: Victory, acquisition of gold ornaments, and great joy, happiness from children, good health and access to riches.
4th: Loss of position, illness of the stomach, fever, blood discharges, sorrow on the account of kinsman, depravity of character.
5th: Fever, improper desire or thoughts, sorrow on account of children and quarrel with one’s relatives, fresh diseases will appear and mental peace will be completely absent.
6th: Cessation of enmities and quarrels with one’s relative, lives an independent life and becomes pretty cheerful.
7th: Misunderstanding with wife, eye disease and stomach trouble.
8th: Fever, bleeding, loss of wealth and honour, mental unrest.
9th: Humiliation caused by loss of wealth etc., and retarded gait through physical weakness and loss of vitality in addition to that indicated while in the eighth.
10th: Wicked activities, obstacles to one’s projects and physical strain.
11th: Wealth, health and addition to landed property, amount due will be realised, improve in the business.
12th: Loss of wealth, excessive heat, fever, trouble from wife, eye diseases and worried.
Good in the 2nd (5th), 4th (3rd), 6th (9th), 8th (1st), 10th (7th), 11th (12th) 1st: Loss of wealth caused by advice of wicked man, by tale bearers, by imprisonment and quarrels. He will receive disagreeable intelligence while he is in journey.
2nd: Disgrace but gain success and wealth.
3rd: Will get friends but he will be afraid of troubles from king and from his enemies.
4th: Person’s kinsman will increase and acquisition of wealth.
5th: Quarrel with wife and children.
6th: Will be liked by all and gain fame.
7th: Appearance becomes pale and there will be quarrels, he will face obstruction.
8th: Begetting children and earn money and will become happy and powerful.
9th: Impediments.
10th: Defeat of enemies, get wealth, will enjoy the company of his wife and will get good dresses.
11th: Get wealth, comfort, sons, women, friends, conveyances and will be intelligent. Overall progress is indicated.
12th: Disgrace from enemies, defeat, suffer from diseases, will not enjoy the company of good wife.
Good in the 2nd(12th), 5th(4th), 7th(3rd), 9th(10th), 11th(8th)
1st: Quitting one’s place, loss of wealth, and hostility.
2nd: No enemies, gain of wealth, family happiness and effectiveness of one’s words.
3rd: Loss of position, quitting one’s place, separation from near and dear ones, illness and impediments to ones work.
4th: Sorrow on account of relatives, humiliation and danger from quadrupeds, will become patient and resigned and will delight in nothing.
5th: Birth of son, association with virtuous and royal favour, will get material possessions and good qualities.
6th: Trouble from one’s own relatives, enemies and diseases, the native will so much afflicted in heart that he will take no delight in anything.
7th: Good journey for auspicious purposes, conjugal happiness, and birth of a son, good speech and intelligence.
8th: Fatigue through needless journeys, ill luck, loss of money and miseries, imprisonment, diseases and heavy grief.
9th: All-round prosperity and joy as well as happiness and good fortune, beget son, become influential, success at work
10th: Trouble to one’s property, position, children etc, quitting one’s place, loss of health and wealth.
11th: Will return to one’s place, will regain his health and wealth, acquisition of children, wealth and honour.
12th: Grief and danger to wealth, grief in the return of the journey.
Good in the1st(8th), 2nd(7th), 3rd(1st), 4th(10th), 5th(9th), 8th(5th), 9th(11th), 11th(6th), 12th(3rd)
1st: Enjoy excellent perfumes, flowers, clothes, houses, bed, meals and women.
2nd: Get sons, grain and present from king (govt.); financial gain.
3rd: He will become influential, wealthy and respectable and will get clothes, enemies get ruined; progress and prosperity.
4th: Get friends and will become very powerful and happy.
5th: The person will be happy, will get kinsmen, wealth, and friends and will not suffer defeat from the enemy; birth of children.
6th: Suffer disgrace, will be afflicted with diseases, and will be exposed to danger; indicate adversity.
7th: Suffer injuries through women, trouble to wife.
8th: Get houses, wealth, articles of lacquer and beautiful women.
9th: All-round happiness, become virtuous, happy and wealthy and get plenty of clothes.
10th: Suffer disgrace and also from quarrels.
11th: Get wealth of his friends and also get perfumes and clothes; safety and security.
12th: Good income.
Good in the 3rd(12th), 6th(9th), 11th(5th)
1st: Illness and performance of funeral rites, suffer from poison and fire, will quit his kinsmen, suffer from imprisonment, and torture, travel to foreign lands and live with the friends there, will suffer miseries, loss of wealth and of sons, will also suffer from fatigue of foot journey and also from humiliation.
2nd: Trouble to wealth and children, loss of beauty and comfort, will become weak and will get wealth from other men but can’t enjoy it for long.
3rd: Acquisition of position, wealth, conveyances and servants. He will become influential, happy, free from diseases and will defeat his enemies.
4th: Loss of wife, relatives and wealth, suspecting evil in everything and will never be happy.
5th: Decline of prosperity, mental powers, separation from children and wealth and will suffer from quarrels.
6th: All-round happiness.
7th: Sickness of wife, long journeys and fear, separation from wife and children.
8th: Loss of children, cattle, friends and wealth, sickness, also same as seventh.
9th: Poverty, obstacles to the performance of religious rites, death of elder equal to the father, continuous misery, same as seventh and eighth, suffer from hatred, chest pain & imprisonment.
10th: Interest in forbidden activities, loss of honour and sickness,
11th: All kinds happiness, acquisition of many kinds of wealth and renown, he becomes cruel.
12th: Fatigue owing to worthless business, loss of wealth through enemies, and illness of wife and children.
Good in the houses same as Saturn
1st: Death or serious illness.
2nd: Loss of wealth.
3rd: Happiness.
4th: Sorrow.
5th: Loss of money.
6th: Happiness.
7th: Loss
8th: Danger to life.
9th: Loss.
10th: Gain.
11th: Happiness.
12th: Loss
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