Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dhana Yogas

Bhavartha Ratnakara
  • If the there’s a parivartana between either the 2nd and 5th lords or the 2nd and 11th lords, the native earns a lot. This is also true for the placement of the 5th and 9th lords in their own houses.
Here the author talks of the association of the lord of wealth (accumulated), i.e., 2nd lord, with either the 5th house (Trine) or the 11th house (gains), the native earns a lot of money. This to note here that while 9th house shows past, the 5th house shows future. Since the author talks of involvement of the 5th lord, the native shall "Earn" the wealth with his own effort and not inherit from his Father (lineage), as signified by the 9th house. In the subsequent line, the author speaks of the strength of the 5th and 9th houses, the key houses of blessings of Lakshmi.
  • If the lords of 2nd and 11th are associated with lords of the 5th and 9th, dhana yoga results.
Here the author, reiterates the same concept, just to give emphasis on the association of the houses of wealth and gains with the houses representing the blessings of Lakshmi. Various combinations can be possible by the association with the 2nd and 11th lord with 5th and 9th house. However, in my humble opinion, association of 2nd lord with 5th and 9th lords or houses are more important that 11th lords association with the 5th and 9th lords (the houses are given lower priority), in bestowing wealth to the native.
  • If the said planets (2nd and 11th)are associated with lords other than the 5th and 9th, no dhana yoga results; however, the native does enjoy moderate wealth.
This statement is particularly important, as this states that in the absence of any dhana yoga, the person would not suffer penury and shall have riches based on the inherent strength of the 2nd, 11th, 5th and 9th houses. The person shall have moderate wealth and can make a comfortable living out of it as long as there is no association of the houses of wealth with "BAD" houses (which we shall discuss in the combinations for penury).
  • There’ll be loss of wealth if the 12th lord associates with the 2nd and 11th lords.
12th is the house of losses and association of the 12th lord (vyayesha) with the lords of the 2nd and 11th lords, shall cause loss of wealth. However, this cannot be interpreted as lack of wealth. This can be interpreted as the native shall earn wealth based on the association of the lords of the houses of wealth (2nd and 11th) with the houses of blessings of lakshmi (5th and 9th) or their inherent strength, however, the native has to face losses on unexpected ventures as indicated by the 12th house or 12th lord.
  • It’s always fortunate for Jupiter to associate with the 2nd lord and Mercury.
Here the author brings in the influence of the Karaka for wealth, Jupiter. It is known that if the karaka of a house is well placed of associate with the lord of the house of aspect the house, then that particular significations of the house is enhancedIf Jupiter associate (conjunct, aspect, have exachange) with the 2nd lord (11th lord is left out, as accumulated wealth is under focus), the native is fortunate and can have good bank balance. Why Mercury is brought into picture is yet to be understood!
  • If the 1st, 2nd and 11th lords are in their own houses, a dhana yoga is formed
In the first stanza, the author talked of the stength of the 5th and 9th lords/ houses, whereby here he talks of the strength of the trine which was left out, i.e., the Lagna and the lord/ houses of wealth and gain. The purpose of seggregating these into two different places can be priority which the author gives for the strength of the combination to bestow wealth. In my humble opinion, the exaltation and other strengths (sthana bala in shadbala scheme) of the said lords shall also noteworthy to be studied in the context of Dhana Yogas.
  • If the 2nd and 11th lords are in the lagna, a powerful dhana yoga results
While in previous stanzas, the author speaks of the association of the 2nd and 11th lords with the trinal lords, namely 5th and 9th; in this stanza, he mentions the placement of the lords of wealth and gain together in the Lagna can also bestow a powerful dhanayoga. In my humble opinion, the combination can be extended to placement of the 2nd and 11th lord in 5th and 9th too. If one of the two of the 2nd and 11th lords are placed in the trine, then the combination is proportionately weakened. The placement of 5th or 9th lord in the houses of wealth and income, however has lesser consequences on the matters of wealth.

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